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David Penberthy Tuesday 9th October

I had been hoping that I could start this weeks notes on a high after a pretty troublesome week, alas it was not to be! A great start and 14 points up in as many minutes against Blackheath gave the crowd plenty to cheer about early on, but a very lacklustre display followed and no further points were scored. We shipped 30 points for the 3rd week running ….. These are worrying times that have not been helped by the negativity and finger pointing of the last week or so!!!!

Most people have been very supportive and have given re-assurance, but as usual there is the minority who cast huge shadows over our aims etc. On paper we are the strongest we have been, but things have just not gone right. However I am sure that we can get it right and get back to winning ways shortly.

The injury count is mounting with Sam Harrison still out with a broken thumb, Neil Corin with a broken leg, PJ Gidlow with a groin injury, Cookie missed the game at Cambridge with a foot injury, Nathan Pascoe has a badly sprained ankle and on Saturday lock Keith Larrard broke his collar bone. BBC Casualty and Holby City have been filming in the First Aid room this week.

Now then, I feel obliged to make the following statement, I know pretty much everyone is aware of it but people have been going on about us not publicising it on the site.

At this stage, statements have been submitted by the referee(Mr Terry Hall), ourselves and Cambridge. The National Clubs Association have studied these reports and have delivered the following decision:

Redruth clearly disobeyed the direction of the referee to return to the field of play after the half time interval and this can only be considered as a very serious offence. Redruth's withdrawal from their game with Cambridge was inexcusable and a match deduction of 10 league points will be made. Cambridge have been fined £1500 for failing to take proper or sufficient security measures. The game will be replayed on Saturday January 12th 2008.

Both clubs have the right of appeal.

The club are now considering whether to lodge an appeal and we have 14 days to do so and we have to decide by next Monday, the 15th October. Our decision will be communicated in due course.

The last week or so have been pretty tough to be honest, and I suppose I can understand people having reservations over the actions taken by us on Saturday. It was a very difficult situation to take control of, emotions and feelings were high, we were in a very small enclosed area with belongings strewn over the floor, personal items were stolen and our decision was one that we did not make lightly.

There have been many things said and I am not going to start to challenge peoples views. All I will say is that the majority were not there, they did not experience it first hand, and our call was one that was carefully considered.

It is very easy to make criticisms and hurl abuse but if you were not present you have no idea so please respect that. I feel for the Reds supporters who travelled to the game, I offer you our sincere apologies.

Our players have tremendous pride in playing for Redruth and both myself and Nigel are as committed as anyone. People know my commitment and I do it because of my love for the club. I have been a member here for over 45 years and I nor the players and coaches would have taken actions such as these if we didn't think it was appropriate. Please allow us to move on.

I went to Camborne on Friday night to watch the Under 17 Colts play Camborne Under 17's in a Cornwall Cup game and what a cracker that was! With a crowd of around 300 or more watching the game, the atmosphere was brilliant and the game was played with the passion you would expect from a local derby. The Reds won 15 - 3 with tries by Adam Lewarne (I think) and Ben Drew. Aaron Penberthy kicked a conversion and a penalty. The victory was very satisfying for Simon Blake as he included a number of Under 16's and they all played well, Ben Drew at 15, Kieron Thomas at 12, Aaron Penberthy at 10, James Texeira at 4 and Kieron Lean at 6.

It seemed that the rest of the 16's were all on the bench!! I have to mention 2 other players who were simply outstanding on the night. Jimmy Stevens was brilliant in the loose and made an enormous amount of tackles and captain Adam Lewarne led by example and put his body on the line at every opportunity……

On Sunday our Development side played the Launceston Development team in a Tamar League and Cornwall Super Cup game. Launceston won the game but the Reds put up a great fight. In the 2nd half, the Reds had 13 ex Colts on the field which is a great achievement at any level. Nick Simmons and Jason Pengilly scored tries and Grant Thirlby kicked a conversion.

They are away at Truro this Saturday with a 3pm kick off whilst the Ciolts are at home at 2.30pm againt Wiviliscombe..

No predictions last week, but if I did I think I would have gone for England and France to win!!!!!!!! So onto this week and here goes:-

France 17 England 21

Argentina 24 South Africa 30

Put it this way, this is what I sincerely hope it is as I would love to see England have another go at the South Africans! Please also remember that I did say my choice for champions was South Africa!

The top bar at the Club will be open on Saturday evening for the England v France game, with a beer promotion from £1 a pint !!!

The game between New Zealand and France was a cracker as was the South African v Fiji game. This World Cup has beaten all records apparently and Twickenham reckons that England's success over the Aussies has re launched the England side as a marketable commodity again! It was only 2 weeks ago that we were the worst in the World and English Rugby was doomed…what will happen if we do get to the final and win it!!.......Trafalgar Square back on the agenda rather than Commercial Square at Camborne!

Some good news….local author Allen Buckley’s new book, based on the life of Redruth legend Bert Solomon, has been published this week and is available to buy at the Club on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings plus Match Days and Sunday mornings.

It’s a fascinating read, features a chapter on Camborne v Redruth, and sells at only £3.99. Available from the Club shop and behind the bar - some proceeds of sale will go to the Club. So that's it for another week, I am sure you understand my reluctance to write anything last week, but we are back to normal now (and sorry to Spiral!!).

David Penberthy

Director of Rugby

09/10/2007 00:00:00
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