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The Good Parent's Code

Parents should:

  1. Be familiar with the coaching and training programme in order that they can ensure their child is fully involved and the coaches are aware of their availability.
  2. Be familiar with the teaching and coaching methods used by observing the coaching and training sessions in which their child participates.
  3. Be aware that the Club has a duty of care to ensure the safety of players and therefore, where appropriate, assist coaches with the supervision of the players, particularly where numbers are large and there is a need to transport players to away games.
  4. Be involved with Club activities and share their expertise.
  5. Share concerns, if they have them, with Club officials.
  6. Be familiar with the Good Coaches’ Code contained in the Rugby Continuum. In particular be aware that:
    1. coaches should recognise the importance of fun and enjoyment when coaching players; and
    2. coaches should keep winning and losing in perspective, encouraging players to behave with dignity in all circumstances.
  7. Support coaches in instilling these virtues.
  8. Remember that young people play rugby for their own enjoyment not that of their parents.
  9. Encourage young people to play - do not force them.
  10. Focus on the players’ efforts, rather than winning or losing.
  11. Be realistic about the players’ abilities; do not push them towards a level that they are not capable of achieving.
  12. Provide positive verbal feedback both in training and during the game.
  13. Remember that persistent, negative messages will adversely affect the players’ and referee’s performance and attitude.
  14. Always support the Club in their efforts to eradicate loud, coarse and abusive behaviour from the game.
  15. Remember young people learn much by example.
  16. Always show appreciation of good play by all players both from their own Club and the opposition.
  17. Respect decisions made by the match officials, even if they appear to make a mistake, and encourage the players to do likewise.
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