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7th October latest

Spiral Construction

Phew ...... what a great day for the club on Saturday in so many ways .... my sincere thanks go to all those who were involved in the organisation on the day, to the players who performed well and to the wonderful support that was given on the day.

The weather was not good and to be honest could not of been much worse ..... driving rain, wind but it did not affect the great atmosphere that was created. Prior to the game, Richard Sharp met the players in the dressing rooms, it was brilliant to hear him talk about the pride he had wearing the red shirt. I also received a lovely phone message from him on Saturday night thanking us for the invitation and saying how proud he was of our win, a true Redruth rugby legend!

Reading the report from Launceston's "Joint Head Coach" Jon Hill said "I don’t think you could say that Redruth thoroughly deserved their scores. We dominated at the scrum today and their first try came from a scrum that we won.

For their second score, we failed to clear our lines inside our defensive third, we turned over and they exposed us on a blindside.” in my book any try from a turnover situation is deserved. Our first try well .... I admit we were shunted back but we retained the ball and exploited the blind side with devastating effect .... also there was a comment about the weather subsiding in the 2nd half ...... maybe the supporters can vouch for that because I didn't notice it! One thing though, he was absolutely right when he said there is a long way to go, we are very aware of that!!!!!!

I would like to thank our match day sponsors for their support on Saturday. Midas, who have been working closely with us for a number of years now and SCB Groundworks certainly seemed to have a great day and many guests were still in the club until very late! Indeed, the whole evening was great with both bars full until very late .....

Blackheath this Saturday will be another huge challenge for us but its one we have to take head on. Visits to The Rectory Field have not always proved fruitful for us but we did get a victory there last year. I am sure Blackheath will want revenge for that and will also be keen to get back on the winning trail following their narrow defeat at Tynedale last week. I understand there is a mini bus making the trip and I know there is bound to be a strong contingent of ex pats who will be there to support the boys.

There is still no decision on the formation of FDR (First Division Rugby) and this has now been deferred until later in October. Subsequently any decision on our situation is unlikely to be heard until November ... that is nearly half way through the season! The situation is far from ideal but something we have to put up with I'm afraid ......

I am absolutely amazed why our match on Saturday was not covered full by local radio i.e. Radio Cornwall! Instead the Manchester v Cornish Pirates game was given the slot. There was no bigger event in Cornwall at the weekend and the hype that had been created leading up to the game deserved the airwaves. I am not sure what the policy is and if you actually read the Cornish Pirates website forum you will see that comments there are scathing of its purpose. Peter Richmond is at every one of our games and gets the occasional update slot along with some time after the game for interviews. It seriously needs to be addressed!

I was inundated with requests on Sunday morning for kids replica shirts. I think it would be a good idea if all age groups within the mini/junior section were to compile a list of requirements and get it to me asap. If ordered in the next 10 days it will all be here by Xmas ....

In case you didn't know but the Reds Forum is up and running again on the website. This is for a trial period initially. I am a little dubious after the last one got out of hand. If you are going to partake be constructive and join in in the best interest of the club and the game. If it de-generates into a forum for slagging people off we will pull the plug!

The Hellfire 100 club is gaining momentum and as you will see from photo's on our website, many ex players are contributing to the ongoing success of our club. When we decided to relaunch this club we set ourselves a fairly substantial target, we are on the way to achieving that but we need more members. As it builds we will organise some special events, talks with coaching and playing staff and a golf day at the end of the season. It really is a great concept and one that will go a very long way in helping us keep this squad together ... plus there is a unique tie and shirt for members. For further information please contact Mark Bryant.

Now a date for your diary .... on Saturday 31st January we have a "Black Tie" dinner and cabaret at the Penventon Park Hotel. Posters are displayed around the club and we are looking to get this sold out by the end of November. It is especially appealing to businesses to hold a post Christmas celebration ..... Each table purchased will have a 1st XV player present on their table plus there will be many other attractions I am sure!

That's about it for this week, back next.... cheers for now

David Penberthy

Director of Rugby

08/10/2008 00:00:00
Samurai Sports