Redruth Rugby Awards Night 2010 Winners

Posted under Headlines,Player News by admin on Friday 28 May 2010 at 12:00 am

At the end of a great night had by all, including a final farewell to departing Redruth coach Nigel Hambly and team manager Adrian Edwards, along with a fines captain’s speech from Darren Jacques, here’s who grabbed the season’s silverware…

Club Ties: (50 Club Appearances)

Nick Simmons
Brett Rule
Adam Hosking
Owen Hambly
Matt Gidlow

Blazer Badges (75 Club Appearances)

Mark Bright

1st XV Players Ties

This Friday: Redruth Rugby Awards Night 2010

Posted under Events and Social News by admin on Monday 24 May 2010 at 12:00 am

When? – Friday 28th May 2010, starting at 7:30pm

Where? – Redruth RFC Clubhouse

Whasson? – Redruth Rugby Awards Night 2010!

Come along and enjoy a celebration of another successful season for the mighty Reds, including:

  • Captain’s Speech
  • Players Awards for the past season
  • Performance by Pirate FM’s girl band, Eden
  • Buffet
  • Disco, drinking and merriment!

Tickets on the door for only

Red Shop Super Sale this weekend! All clothing

Posted under Commercial News by admin on Friday 21 May 2010 at 12:00 am

Fancy cheering on the Reds in Black and Gold this weekend? Why not stop by the club shop at the same time and grab our remaining replica shirts, polos, hoodies, T-shirts and fleeces for only

u9s Fundraising

Posted under Under 9's by admin on Thursday 20 May 2010 at 12:00 am
U9′s Sponsored Bike Ride
A big thank-you to all the players and parents of the Redruth U9′s who turned out in force on
Sunday 16th May to take part in our sponsored bike ride from Bissoe to Portreath. We will have raised in excess of

A Cornish call to arms!

Posted under Match Previews by admin on Tuesday 18 May 2010 at 12:00 am

Cornwall v Gloucestershire
K.O. 3.00 p.m.
Venue: Redruth RFC

This statement was taken from the Trelawney

Cornwall Shown the Dawe

Posted under Director's Commentary by admin on Thursday 13 May 2010 at 12:00 am

Bit late again I am afraid but I have been away in London and have not had the time to put a few words together ….. sorry!

Went to the Mini Junior Presentation day on Sunday and what a good turn out! The day kicked off with the vibrant under 7′s presentation … now I had a bit of an interest in this one as my nephew Jarrod Hambly was attending his first presentation as were about 26 others!!! Gradually all groups were awarded certificates and some were lucky enough to win trophies …. but the overriding thing to me was to see the incredible turn out and how smart they looked. The boys and girls were a credit to their coaches and their parents….I must mention one youngster and that is Jordan Sidwell … Jordan has been selected to attend a Lawrence Dallaglio Training Day at Twickenham in June. He is one of a hundred lucky youngsters who have gained their places by performing outstandingly well in their respective County Championships. I spoke briefly with Jordan and he said that he could not wait …. I then spoke with his mum and auntie and they can’t wait either!!!!!!

In the evening it was the turn of the Juniors and it is encouraging to see the numbers and the success the groups have had. It is also great to see people like Adrian Rutter and Stewart Whitworth putting so much back in the club. I must be honest I thought the Under 14′s presentation was top notch … Ruts doing a great job and having a great laugh with the boys …. I am sure Stewie had some input into those certificates!

All in all a great day and its good to know there is some quality talent coming through and hopefully they will stick with it and realise their goals of representing Redruth in the near future … it’s also sad that some boys will inevitably leave the club and seek pastures new .. I wish them the best of luck in whatever it is they are seeking and I hope they fulfill their potential ….

I watched the county game at Camborne on Saturday against Devon…..the first 20 minutes saw Cornwall dominate but the introduction of Graham Dawe for the Devon side turned the tide so dramatically I could not believe what I was watching!! I will give Graham his due he did what he does best … he intimidated and dominated proceedings and his team mates fed off it and went onto win comfortably .. what now for Cornwall? To me it looks like its pride only to play for .. Hertfordshire have been Cornwall’s bogey team over the past few years and a trip up there will present its problems .. I hope they win because there are a number of our players playing … but if they don’t it will present them with one hell of a challenge at Redruth the following week against Gloucestershire to stave off relegation ….

Well my trip to the Emirates 7′s get closer and the countdown now is nearly into single figures day wise …. it’s a first for our group as our normal May jaunt is to the Heineken Cup Final. This year the final is in Paris and the cost is astronomical to get there and enjoy yourselves …. the good thing about not going is that we don’t have to watch 2 French sides compete for the trophy!!!!! … that happened a few years ago when we were in Dublin and had to watch Toulouse play Perpignan … bloody awful and very cold!!!!

Back to club business and its the AGM next week … that is Thursday 20th May and proceedings kick off at 7:30pm. I am hoping to be able to confirm some changes to the off field staff and talk about the plans for next year … one thing is for certain and that is that Nigel has finished, Roly Joseph has stepped down from his Club Doctor role, Gordon Dodds has retired from his role as our Video Man after many years of great service, Tim Powell our Physio is taking a back seat in the operations within the Physio room and there could be one or two more changes still to come …. so I have a fair bit to sort before pre season …..

On Friday 28th May we have the Senior Presentation Night at the club …. I would really appreciate a good crowd on the evening to join the players for what will be a great evening. I am told that Pirate FM’s very own band .. Eden… will be performing … it will be a great night so please arrange to get your tickets very soon, they are priced

Announcement of new Management Board

Posted under News by admin on Wednesday 5 May 2010 at 12:00 am

At last night’s Executive Committee Meeting, the Executive agreed unanimously to set up a Management Board who, with the Club’s General Manager, will be responsible for the day to day running of the Club.The constitution of this Board recognises that the Club has four ‘Key Levers’ of: Finance, Rugby, Clubhouse & Commercial and so the Board will be made up of Ian Eslick, Dave Penberthy, David Williams & Jeff Knuckey. Alan Nettle, as Assistant Treasurer, will also attend and the Board will be chaired by Roger Watson.

Explained Roger Watson:

The Executive have felt for some time that a smaller group would be better placed to handle the day to day running of the Club, allowing the Executive to concentrate on longer term planning and strategy. Gerry Reilly’s input has been important in deciding that this is the best way forward. One of our priorities will be to look at the structure of the Club, with a view to better integrating all elements of the Club and their activities. We particularly want to improve communication throughout the Club. We will be meeting every Friday in the Clubhouse and Gerry has persuaded us to start that meeting at 7.30 am!

Mini/Junior Presentation Day -Sunday 9th May

Posted under Mini-Juniors News by admin on Wednesday 5 May 2010 at 12:00 am

This Sunday 9th May we’ll be celebrating yet another season of great accomplishments across all levels of Redruth Rugby at the Mini/Junior Presentation Day.

The Minis presentations will commence at 12pm, with the Juniors following after at 6pm.  Awards will be presented by members of the 1st XV squad. The Clubhouse will be open from 11.30 and remain open throughout the afternoon. Food will be available from the kitchen from 12 until 2!

Success, Survival, So Longs and Celebrations

Posted under Director's Commentary by admin on Tuesday 4 May 2010 at 12:00 am

Well that’s another season over and it will be one that I will look back at with very very mixed emotions. After a weeks break, not deliberate of course, I gave myself time to get my head around a number of things that I have had to deal and cope with ..

Back in July last year it was all systems go with a fairly robust recruitment programme in place and high hopes that the previous season would be emulated

Thank You Nigel

Posted under Senior Rugby News by admin on Monday 3 May 2010 at 12:00 am


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