Redruth Rugby – More than just a rugby club

Our Members

The Club is fortunate in having hundreds of loyal members. ‘More Than Just A Rugby Club’ recognises this. We have, therefore, developed a number of initiatives which we believe will benefit our membership and reward them for their loyalty. The new Membership Scheme means that our members will benefit from cheaper prices in the Clubhouse, and discounts and special offers from key suppliers participating in the Scheme: details can be found on our Members’ Deals section of the Cornish Business Directory. Our ‘Introduce a Friend’ Scheme means that our members will receive £50 for every friend whom they introduce to membership of the Club. And, let’s not forget that membership rates have been held at last year’s prices – so, all in all, we think that we have added significant value to being a member of the Club.

Our Sponsors

The Club is also fortunate in having a significant number of sponsors and benefactors who contribute massively to the Club through our varied sport sponsorship opportunities. Many of our sponsors and benefactors make their contributions ‘out of the goodness of their hearts’, expecting little in return. However, as a Club, we would like our sponsors and benefactors to feel that their support is recognised and valued, and that they can enjoy some reciprocal benefit, through Redruth Rugby being ‘More Than Just A Rugby Club’. Hence the Club is launching the Cornish Business Directory of key suppliers. Through the business directory we hope that members and key suppliers will be encouraged to buy and use the goods and services of the key suppliers featured in the directory. We also hope that suppliers participating in the Membership Loyalty Scheme will benefit from our members buying and using their goods and services, while our members in turn benefit from discounts and special offers.

The Wider Community

Redruth Rugby already does a great deal in the community, much of which goes unrecognised because the Club, historically, has not been good at ‘blowing its own trumpet’. However, the Club’s youth development activity sees hundreds of youngsters, week in and week out, participating in the mini, junior and Colts teams, and enjoying the associated benefits of participating in organised team sports, while learning the value of hard work, discipline and teamwork. Meanwhile, the Academy at Redruth School is an absolute beacon as a centre of excellence in the community.

Nor should the charitable work which the Club does be forgotten. It is worth noting that the many thousands of pounds which the Club has raised over the years has, typically, been directed towards supporting local Cornish charities and good causes.