Twitter Buzz

Looking for reasons to follow Redruth Rugby on Twitter? On top of keeping up to date with the latest news via your Twitter page, here’s four great reasons to get tweeting…

1. Player Interviews

We’re going to be running some live twinterviews with Redruth Rugby players over the course of the season. Log on to your Twitter account and direct your questions to @RedruthRugby, and whichever player is in the hot seat will try to answer as many questions as possible.

2. Post-match Views

Just been to the best game of the season? Why not share your thoughts with the world and tweet your opinion. Add the #Redruth hashtag to your tweet and we’ll see it too, and the best comments will make it into the next match programme. We’ll add our own thoughts, along with the comments from coaches to the media after the match.

3. Player Tweets

Want to know what your favourite players thought about the game too? Over the course of the season some of Redruth’s fine Cornish rugby stars will be letting you know just what they thought of that high tackle, who snores the loudest on the team coach, and whether the new coaches shout as much as the old ones!

Current players on Twitter include:

  • Luke Collins: @rugby_luke

You can follow them now by holding your mouse over the twitter link and clicking on the ‘Follow’ button that will appear.

4. Tweet directly from this site!

If you’ve just read something on the site and want to share it with your followers, you can now do so without having to leave the Redruth Rugby website at all. Look you the Twitter boxes at the foot of the news pages and you can tweet directly from there.