I was reading the Sunday Independent this morning and was shocked to read of the tragic passing of a 21 year old player who plays for Totnes. Apparently Ollie Marsden was training, taken unwell and passed away on the pitch despite brave attempts to resuscitate him from a number of people who were present. Things like this really does put everything into perspective and although we didn’t know the player I am sure you would all join me in sending our sincere condolences to the family and friends of the player.
Saturday’s trip to the South East proved fruitful once again, and a very good team effort gained the maximum points available. Southend are a good side and were very physical and fronted up in every facet of the game. I am sure they will cause a number of teams problems and we wish them the best of luck in that. I would also like to convey my thanks, on behalf of all the traveling party, to the Southend President, Peter Thomas, for his generosity after the match, it was a very kind gesture to buy the players a beer something that does not happen too often when we are on the road.
It was great to see a lot of our supporters at Southend last weekend, both from home and ex pats living around the country. Nice also to see our good friends from Cambridge there, armed with video cameras!
I read the Westcombe Park website n our game last week, well it made interesting reading to say the least! There were some great quotes/statements and I thought I would summarise a few and share with you!
You could have heard a pin drop in the stand which is the centre of