Posted under Mini-Juniors News by admin on Monday 26 July 2004 at 12:00 am

Ron Whitford was looking around the Reds site and noticed the question sent by Alissa Smith. Ron is a Consultant & Co-ordinator of Kernewek Community Sports Vision.

Ron sent some useful information and a web site with ‘NEWS’ of an exciting new project in womens rugby…..Ron says

“Perhaps I could suggest you have a look at our wesite, where you will find details of a project that will be launched very shortly.

It will not address the lady’s U14 requiements because ,as I expect you know, there has been NO facilities for women’s contact rugby for U16 or U14 and the only thing available to girls in Cornwall is mixed gender U12 (with the Sept 1st age band ruling) mini/junior rugby which, alas, leaves them in the wilderness until they are 18 (it was 16)”

If you have any questions on the subject of womens rugby and it’s development give Ron an e-mail, .

Thanks Ron for that information, if anyone has any up to date news or information they would wish to share, please contact me through the Redruth website.

Paul Hancock