Reds to play Albion at Redruth

Posted under Match Reports by admin on Monday 27 August 2001 at 12:00 am

Following on from their warmup matches this weekend, Redruth will face Plymouth Albion, the newly promoted National 3 South champions, on Sunday the 26th September.

The visiting stars are sure to give the Reds a huge challenge ahead of their National 3 South opening match.

Reds lose to Exeter

Posted under Match Reports by admin on Sunday 19 August 2001 at 12:00 am

Redruth played first division Exeter at the weekend and played extremely well, holding Exeter for an hour before finally going down 32-0.

A Redruth Reserve XV had played Welsh National 3 side Lantwit-Fadre on Saturday , losing heavily to their Welsh visitors 55-0.

Join the Little Choppers Kids Club!

Posted under Join Today!,Pages by admin on Saturday 18 August 2001 at 11:52 pm

To join the Little Choppers Kids Club, print and complete a copy of this form and, along with only £10, submit it to either:

  1. The club shop on matchdays (preferred!),
  2. Mini-junior Chairman Nigel Eathorne, or
  3. By post to Little Choppers Kids Club, Redruth RFC Ltd, The Recreation Ground, Redruth, Cornwall,
    TR15 1SY.

Being a Redruth Rugby Match Mascot with the Little Choppers Kids Club

Posted under Matchday Mascots,Pages by admin on Sunday 12 August 2001 at 4:06 am
Redruth Rugby Little Choppers mascot

Callum Maddern runs out as the first Little Choppers match mascot. For your child's chance to run out with the Reds, join the Little Choppers club.

Being a matchday mascot is an experience that your child will never forget! Warm up with the players and then lead them out of the tunnel in front of a thousand cheering fans! This fantastic experience includes

  • Free grandstand tickets and parking for the family
  • Mention of Match Mascot in Match Programme, Website Match Preview & Match Report
  • Visit the changing rooms and meet team as they make final preparations for the game
  • Warm up on the pitch at the same time as the players
  • Lead the Reds out onto the pitch to the roar of 1,000 supporters
  • Signed photographs of the special day with the players
  • Free loan of kit for non Mini members

For the chance to become a match mascot, you can join our new Little Choppers kids club. To find out how to join, click here.

Little Choppers Kids Club

Posted under Kids Club,Pages by admin on Sunday 12 August 2001 at 3:37 am

Little Choppers Kids ClubThis year, Redruth Rugby is launching a great new club especially for the club’s most passionate supporters. Open to anyone under the age of 12, the new Little Choppers kids club gives every member a chance to be a club mascot for the day.

All members will be entered into a draw for all 15 league games this season, and with the season about to start there’s a really great chance for anyone entering pre-season to run out against Wharfedale on the 4th September! More details about being a match mascot can be found here.

Little Chopper Membership CardAs well as the opportunity to run out with the team in front of the cheering crowds in what will be a cherished memory for years to come, each Little Chopper will receive an exclusive Little Choppers club poster, a Little Choppers membership card and a Welcome letter.

Little Choppers Kids Club PosterThey will also get the chance to download exclusive material throughout the season, as well as ask questions of their favourite star players in a series of monthly Little Choppers interviews.

To find out join the Little Choppers kids club, click here.


Reds beaten in Cornwall Cup semi-final

Posted under Match Reports by admin on Saturday 11 August 2001 at 12:00 am

Redruth went down 18-12 at Launceston in the Cornwall Cup. This game was Redruths first of the season and a number of players were unavailable. The side that played made a great show of it and gave Launceston a good test ahead of their final with Penzance in 2 weeks time.

Redruth Rugby Club Memberships

Posted under Club Memberships,Pages by admin on Thursday 2 August 2001 at 10:19 pm

Introduce a friend and earn £50!

(loaded on to your Membership Loyalty Card)
Please note that to qualify for the reward the new member must not have been a member of Redruth RFC for the last two seasons.

To claim your reward simply complete the Existing Member’s details overleaf, give it to the person you are introducing and ask them to complete the rest.

Completed forms should be sent to the Membership Secretary, Alan Nettle, with payment.

N.B. There is no limit on the number of new members you may introduce!

2010 sees the launch of a brand new membership scheme, whereby all members – as well as receiving the traditional Members Passbook containing useful Club information which will also gain you admission to entry, grandstand entry and parking on match days – will also receive a new Membership swipe card. This card will benefit members in two ways:

Cheaper prices in the Clubhouse & Shop

Members will be paying less than non members in the Bar, Kitchen and Club Shop. Simply by having your new membership card ‘swiped’ you will be charged less.

Discounts & Special Offers

The Club is securing commitments from key suppliers to provide our members with discounts and special offers on their goods, services and products. Participants and their offers can all be viewed in the Members’ Deals section of the Cornish Business Directory. The scheme has been enthusiastically received by our key suppliers and we expect to add many more businesses to add to the scheme over the season.

Special Introductory Offer

Your new membership card can be ‘loaded’ (like topping up a mobile phone), and will then serve as a ‘debit card’ in the Clubhouse and Club shop. Members are invited to load their card with £50 – but only pay £45. This special offer is only available to members who register by 31st August. Please note that the card can only be used as a ‘debit card’ in the Clubhouse, not with key suppliers. They will provide discounts and special offers to our members in their own way.

Membership Tiers

There are a number of membership packages available to our supporters. All memberships include a Membership swipe card and Members Passbook, granting entry, grandstand and parking* to all league home games. They also include voting rights at the AGM and the option of applying for priority England international fixture tickets through the club.

Standard Club Membership

Adults: £150. Concessions: £105

Despite the great value that we’ve added to our membership scheme this year, we’ve also frozen our prices! That essentially means that you’ll be getting all the extra discounts and services for free!

Family Membership

One adult + one Mini-Junior: £175. One adult + two Mini-Juniors: £200. Two adults + one Mini-Junior: £250. Two adults + two Mini-Juniors: £275.

Redruth Rugby is a family-orientated community club, and makes for an enjoyable way to spend time together on a Saturday afternoon. We love to see children supporting their heroes on a Saturday, so we’re offering family memberships at bargain prices to families with kids in the Mini-Junior section.