Match Programme Advertising

Hellfire Magazine Issue 1

Thanks to our team of copywriters, editors and the awesome efforts of Integral Print, we are able to produce a high-quality Match Programme for each of our National League home games, packed with compelling content and full-colour advertisements.

The programme is well-read, with fresh, interesting content evenly dispersed amongst the adverts which fans take home with them after the match for a good read later on. As a result, advertising in the Match Programme represents excellent value, and our limited advertising slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

As well as colour advertising, Redruth Rugby is able to offer you premium space on the centre team sheet page. As well as being the most read and examined page in the programme, it also allows you to vary your message across the season.

Quarter Page Colour:
Half Page Colour:
Full Page Colour:
Centre Page B/W:
(Programme only)
Content Sponsorship:
from £200

Additionally, we can offer associations with other key content. If you wish to sponsor the President’s Notes, advertise on the Match Preview page, or promote the chat on our Social Media Round-up then we’re happy to help you target your audience in the right place and in the right way to meet your advertising goals.

Hellfire Magazine

Redruth Rugby is a genuine hub for the local community, and we’re proud of the place we hold in the hearts of the townsfolk. To celebrate this, our history, our successes and our championing of several local causes and charities, the club has relaunched the annual community brochure as the new twice-yearly Hellfire Magazine.

With a circulation of over 4000, Hellfire Magazine has a substantial reach into the local community and is a compelling read, and the limited advertising space represents a great opportunity to local businesses.

If you want to see you company featured in our match programme, wish to know the price promotions for taking adverts in both printed media, or have any questions about any of our advertising opportunities, then contact our sponsorship team today.

Prices exclude VAT.