Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

The club is very aware of its responsibilities towards the younger people within the club, especially among the members of the junior teams and colts. It has a nil tolerance towards drugs. As far as alcohol is concerned, rugby is a social sport, and having a pint after a game with your friends and opponents is part of the social aspect of the game. Where members are of a legal age, drinking in moderation is acceptable, but alcohol abuse is never condoned.

In order to obtain the best possible guidance for our young players, the club is working with the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Drug and Alcohol Action Team who will commission two specialist drug and alcohol trainers to develop an information and education programme appropriate for use with young people in sports settings. The programme will be appropriate to age and will cover the use of tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs. It is proposed to pilot the programme with Redruth Rugby club during the coming season, with the intention of rolling out the programme in the future to sports clubs across the county.