Under 7′s

More Fun Day Pictures

Friday 10 September 2010

Here are the pictures from the funday that I thought i’d lost

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Mini/Junior Registration Day

Tuesday 7 September 2010

What a day for the start of the season !! lets hope that the weather improves for the rest of the season it couldn’t get any wetter, but a good turn for all

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Mini/Junior funday Photos

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Photos taken of the mini/junior funday held in August

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Thursday 20 November 2008

It was away to St Austell on Sunday, the weather was mild, there was a hint of blue skies, the pitch was firm, the wind had dropped

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Wednesday 5 November 2008

Redruth U7′s were ready for the big local derby and were on a high after the previous weeks win over Truro. It was feeling chilly as the boys got busy warming up. Camborne arrived, it conspired that they only had 4 under 7

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Wednesday 30 April 2008

UNDER 7′s COACH REQUIRED. I know next season may seem along way off but you can’t beat planning ahead. If anyone is interested in coaching the Under 7′s age group next season, or know of anyone who would be intrusted, could they please contact me, as Julian and myself will only be coaching the Under [...]

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Under 7′s At Bath

Monday 28 April 2008

REDRUTH U7′s at the BATH FESTIVAL. Eight excited under 7′s turned up on Sunday at the Bath Mini Rugby Festival to find the Rec. bathed in sunshine, totally different to what had been forecast for the day. For six of the team it was to be their first time here, only Jordan S and William [...]

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Under 7′s festival at Hayle

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Well, where do I start, what a roller-coaster of emotions this weekend really was. After two last minute withdrawals from the Under 7′s squad on Friday night, what little hair I have, was certainly being pulled out. Anyway, we turned up on a really cold Saturday morning at Hayle to compete in what is the [...]

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Redruth 7′s & 8′s v Camborne

Monday 18 February 2008

REDRUTH U7′s 8 CAMBORNE U8′s 4 The first game saw the Under 7′s play their usual brand of attacking rugby with Jordan S scoring inside a minute of the first half on what I think was the coldest Sunday of the season so far. Good defence by the Reds saw them leak only one try [...]

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Reds U7 & *8s Updates and Bath news.

Friday 15 February 2008

REDRUTH U7′S 7 PENRYN U7′S 1 An overwhelming victory for this talented under 7′s squad, and one that keeps our unbeaten record intact. Penryn started with the ball but good defence by the Reds saw us regain possession and score instantly in the far corner after a good run by the ever improving Thomas B. [...]

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